Wednesday, October 18, 2006

You don't like spam?

I got some pretty awesome spam today, just thought I'd share it.

hi Willa i hope this is your mailbox.
I was happy to see you the other day. I expect you are actually had like the New York.
So much so much happening all the time, lots of great opportunities.
And speaking of opportunities, the deal I was speaking you about yesterday involves a company
named Tex-Homa (TXHE).
It's already lift up, but the big info isn't even
out yet, so there's still time. I have got this shares already and made 2000. I recommend you to do the same today.

Hope this helps you out. I'll see you this weekend.
Yours Willa Finley

A couple of points:

-Though the sender appears to be looking for some woman named Willa (which is in itself hilarious, as 'Willa' is hardly a common name anymore, it's like when a certain honored teacher of mine insisted on using the name 'Fatima' in hypotheticals), the email is also signed as being from Willa. Come on, Eastern European Spam Making Dudes, we get that you don't speak English very well. We get it.

-"I expect you are actually had like the New York." WHOA. What? You are actually had like the New York? What does that even mean?

-Nice segue with the opportunities. Totally didn't see it coming.

-"I have got this shares already and made 2000." 2000 what? When you have got this shares already, did it makes we 2000 dollar?

-Was this really such a big tip that Willa couldn't wait to see Willa over the weekend? Man, I wonder what that conversation will go like. "Howdo Willa! Did get those email last fortnight! You have make 2000 on train-ride from to are New York!"

-"So much so much happening all the time." This is my favorite new catchphrase.

Basically, the day I stop getting any spam whatsoever will be a sad, sad day.

1 comment:

Argentius said...

I'd never gotten the Anatrim e-mail until today. I thought you'd made it up, Fatima.

Quid agis?